
Citizen astronaut headlines Latinx Heritage Month

Electrical engineer 卡蒂亚Echazarreta, the first Mexican-born woman to travel in space, 是主讲人.

Graphic with view of outer space with stars in the background and text that reads:

卡蒂亚Echazarreta, an electrical engineer and the first Mexican-born woman to travel in space, will be the keynote speaker of Carolina’s 2023 celebration of Latinx Heritage Month.

Echazarreta’s talk is in line with this year’s theme, “LatinxVerse: El Universo Es Tuyo.”

“The theme encourages thinking beyond the box that society has placed us into, expanding our understanding of what it means to be Latino beyond societal expectations,乔斯尔·帕姆雷斯说, the Carolina Latinx Center director. “It celebrates our past and present while recognizing the ongoing evolution of Latinx identity and experiences. We are claiming the universe as ours and are ready for our generation’s opportunity to take the lead.”

Latinx Heritage Month runs from Sept. 15日至10月. 15. Echazarreta将于10月10日发表演讲. 下午6点4分.m. in the Frank Porter Graham Student Union’s Great Hall. 活动是免费的.

Space for Humanity selected Echazarreta for a June 2022 mission to analyze the “overview effect” or profound shift in perspective that astronauts experience while viewing Earth. 作为一个科学传播者, she has been featured in “任务 Unstoppable” on CBS, hosted the YouTube series “Netflix IRL” and shared engineering-related content on her social media platforms. She also worked at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Mattel created a Barbie to honor Echazarreta.

在全国范围内, the month is called Hispanic Heritage Month, but Carolina named the celebration Latinx Heritage Month to include the experiences and identities of students, 员工及社区. The Carolina Latinx Center leads the celebration in collaboration with organizations and departments from across campus.

Check the Carolina Latinx Center 日历 for more event information and updates.