

Stephanie Pierson, a Carolina junior studying history, won her first game in the "Jeopardy! 高中同学会锦标赛”. 22. The win earned her a spot in the semifinals on March 6.


多年来,当晚上七点半.m. rolled around, Stephanie Pierson’s mom knew where to find her daughter.

In the glow of blue squares filling her television screen, 皮尔森的童年是和《危险边缘》(Jeopardy)节目竞争度过的!她在乔治亚州梅肯市的家中向参赛者提问.

皮尔森说:“我非常认真地看了这部电影. “I would make sure that I cleared it out of my schedule.”

She took the online contestant test for the first time when she was only 10, though she never really expected to see herself on the show. But her childhood dream will come true — for a second time. After having appeared on the show in 2019 as a high school junior, 柏油之踵又要回到舞台上了.

Pierson, a Carolina junior studying history, is competing on “Jeopardy!” as part of the show’s 14-day High School Reunion Tournament, which brings back 27 former teenage competitors for a chance at a $100,000的奖金和冠军争霸赛的一席之地. 她在2月6日赢得了她的第一场比赛. 22队晋级3月6日的半决赛.


教师的女儿, Pierson grew up in a house that embraced education and encouraged curiosity. The family’s Brain Quest cards eventually gave way to official competition for Pierson when she joined her elementary school’s Quiz Bowl in fifth grade.

One of her Quiz Bowl coaches suggested the students watch “Jeopardy!练习. Pierson took that advice to heart and made the show part of her daily routine. Soon after she started watching, she started taking the online test. It took about five tries before producers from the show called to tell her she had earned a spot in the Teen Tournament.

Pierson and her mom traveled to California during the spring of her junior year of high school so Pierson could compete on the show. 她出演的那一集在那年夏天播出了.

“我以前从未去过加州, and I was meeting high school students from all over the country. That was a really great experience for me,” Pierson said. 我接着说:“Jeopardy。!只是为了找点乐子. 我并不是一个好胜的人. 我一直都在微笑.”

And then Pierson returned home to Macon, where she resumed competing on “Jeopardy!” from her couch, excited to have experienced what she thought was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


两年后, 在卡罗莱纳读大二的时候, 皮尔逊当时在格拉纳达留学, 西班牙, 她妈妈打电话告诉她《危险边缘!正试着和我联系. A few months later, Pierson was invited to return to the show as part of the reunion tournament. 皮尔森一开始有些犹豫. 她已经经历过一次了, and now she had to balance college with preparing and traveling to California for a four-day shoot.

最终,她决定尝试一下. She was largely motivated by the opportunity to see people she had met when she competed in 2019.

“I stayed in contact with the people that I was on the show with,” she said. “I was like, ‘It’s going to be a good experience no matter what.'”


Stephanie Pierson (far left) taped her appearance on “Jeopardy!,这一集将于今晚播出. (图片来源:Jeopardy)!)

来一轮《危险边缘!” already under her belt, she knew a little more about what to expect and the game’s nuances.

“Yes, it is a trivia game, but it’s also a test of who can buzz in first, she said. “That’s what I learned from my first time around: 90% of the time, 三位选手都知道答案. It’s just a different experience watching on TV when you can yell the answer. 但在镜头前,你得等一等. You have to time it with the host’s voice and anticipate it.”

皮尔森飞往加州参加“危险边缘”节目!上个月. The knowledge she picked up from her previous experience helped but didn’t make this year’s experience any less nerve-wracking. 事实上,Pierson说她这次更紧张了.

“It’s just so different to go from watching on TV to being in the driver’s seat,” she said. “要记录的东西太多了. 你得看看蜂鸣器. If you get a clue right, you have to pick the next clue. Then you have to think about wagering strategy and, ‘Oh wait. 我在XYZ位置. 我需要更多的钱.“你的脚步必须非常快.”

然而,这些都没有影响我的体验. Pierson was just along for the fun ride that her 10-year-old self could have only dreamed of.

她说:“这次经历百分百值得。. “和你在一起的人让它变得如此有趣. My mom came out, and just her getting to see my play live was a really rewarding experience.”

过去一个月, Pierson has kept the results of her appearance a secret — even keeping the fact she was on the show quiet from most people.

“I’m excited for it to air because I’ve changed a lot in the past three years,” she said. “我会看比赛前后.”